My passion for genealogy, and historic research in general, began in the 10th grade, when we were required to do a family
tree for Civics class. Most people had back to their grandparents, or great-grandparents, but not me. Through a letter and
tree we had recently received, I was able to take my family back to the Revolutionary War!
Over the years, I began tracing more of my family tree, and offering to help others. My passion began to grow beyond genealogy
and into historic sites and buildings. In 2002, I published my first book, an historic biography of a beer brewer, history
of his brewery, and a history of his summer home. The following year, the second edition was released.
Today, I reside in Philadelphia, where I continue to pursue my passion for historic research and documentation. Though it
was by no means intentional, I have begun to see my move here as bringing the family full circle - a Mundell descendant now
residing in the same area in which our immigrant ancestor first called home in his new, adopted country.